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Fast Dry 4318


N/A, Gallon/3.78 L (01), 5 Gallons/18.9 L (05)


N/A, Gloss

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Product Details

Fast Dry/Speedenamel Interior/Exterior Alkyd is a one-component, gloss alkyd enamel. It is suitable for use as a fast drying coating for general plant maintenance and for safety equipment and pipe identification.


  • Fast Drying Properties
  • Corrosion Resistant in Normal Atmospheric Conditions
  • Durable, High Gloss Finish

Looking for a datasheet? Access PPG's full datasheet portal here or visit

Code Finish Base Sizes Download
431800101 N/A N/A N/A, N/A N/A
431800901 N/A N/A N/A N/A
4318-0101C Gloss White & Pastel Base Gallon/3.78 L (01), 5 Gallons/18.9 L (05)
4318-0700 Gloss White & Pastel Base Gallon/3.78 L (01), 5 Gallons/18.9 L (05)
4318-0800 Gloss Deeptone Base Gallon/3.78 L (01), 5 Gallons/18.9 L (05)
4318-0801C Gloss Deeptone Base Gallon/3.78 L (01), Gallon/3.78 L (01)
431808600 Gloss READY MIX YELLOW N/A, N/A
43180900 N/A N/A N/A N/A
4318-0900 Gloss Neutral/Ultradeep/Accent/Clear Gallon/3.78 L (01), 5 Gallons/18.9 L (05)
4318-0901 N/A N/A N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A N/A
4318-0901C Gloss Neutral/Ultradeep/Accent/Clear Gallon/3.78 L (01), Gallon/3.78 L (01), 5 Gallons/18.9 L (05), 5 Gallons/18.9 L (05)
431809990 N/A N/A N/A N/A
4318-1000 Gloss Ready Mix White Gallon/3.78 L (01), 5 Gallons/18.9 L (05)
4318-8600 Gloss Ready Mix Yellow Gallon/3.78 L (01)
4318-9000 Gloss Ready Mix Red Gallon/3.78 L (01)
4318-9000C Gloss Ready Mix Red Gallon/3.78 L (01)
4318-9000C Gloss READY MIX RED N/A
4318-9020 Gloss Aluminum/Metallic N/A
4318-9200 Gloss Ready Mix Orange Gallon/3.78 L (01)
4318-9200C Gloss Ready Mix Orange Gallon/3.78 L (01)
4318-9200C Gloss Ready Mix Custom Color 5 Gallons/18.9 L (05)
4318-9400 Gloss Ready Mix Yellow Gallon/3.78 L (01), 5 Gallons/18.9 L (05)
4318-9400C Gloss Ready Mix Yellow Gallon/3.78 L (01), 5 Gallons/18.9 L (05)
4318-9990 Gloss Ready Mix Black Gallon/3.78 L (01)
4318-9990 Gloss READY MIX BLACK N/A
4318-9990C Gloss Ready Mix Black Gallon/3.78 L (01), 5 Gallons/18.9 L (05)
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