The Collaborative for High Performance Schools (CHPS) “Low Emitting Products” criteria Section 01350 was developed in California to oversee the nation’s first green building rating program especially designed for K-12 schools.

Understanding CHPS
Since its inception, other states have adopted CHPS. CHPS has similar principals to other green building rating systems. Within CHPS, paint products must be subjected to independent small chamber testing to measure VOC off-gassing after application.
Other states who have adopted CHPS
New York
Rhode Island
Vermont (pending)
All of these states have a CHPS criteria that has been specifically developed for the state climate building system. Please go to for more details.

CHPS Information:
The CHPS Low-Emitting Materials (LEM) Product List includes products that have been chamber tested to meet indoor air quality guidelines outlined in Specification Section 01350. These materials are screened for use in classrooms based on compliance with emission levels of chemicals of concern identified by the California Environmental Protection Agency. Paints and coatings must meet the volatile organic compound (VOC) content requirements of CARB 2007 SCM or SCAQMD Rule 1113. Additionally, 90% or more of interior paints and coatings applied to walls, ceilings, floors, or trim must be tested for VOC emissions. Compliance can be demonstrated through certifications or lab test reports.
CHPS Product Guidance View Ecological Solutions